
Transition to Kyusei Nature Farming at the Naturfarm in Lompoc, California

J. M. Phillips

Nature Farming Research and Development Foundation, Lompoc, California, USA

Full Paper (PDF File: 143KB)


The property located near Lompoc. California that became the Naturfarm was farmed using conventional agricultural practices prior to being purchased for Kyusei Nature Farming. The conversion process began immediately upon purchase; the process itself became the subject of a study that was funded by the California Energy Commission and known as "The Naturfarm Conversion Project." This study examined the transition to nature farming with respect to potential energy savings compared with conventional practices in three areas: soil fertility, tillage and pest control. The premise of the study was that considerable energy savings could be realized in nature farming as a system of sustainable organic farming practices because of the elimination of energy costs for chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and the heavy tillage practices of conventional agriculture. Nature farming practices at the Naturfarm are described in this paper and the results to date are presented.