
Co-Existence of Photosynthetic Bacteria, Streptomyces and Lactic Acid Bacteria in Solutions of Effective Microorganisms

M. Sakurai

EM Laboratory and International Nature Farming Research Center, Shizuoka, Japan

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The coexistence of photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and Streptomyces, as required for the production of solutions of Effective Microorganisms (EM) is difficult, due to the different environments required by these species. However, the production of EM required that they coexist together, Hence studies were conducted to evaluate possible methods of developing an environment conducive for the co-existence of these three species as required for EM.
The presence of Lactobacillus plantarum, increased acidity of the media, which was not conducive for the other two species. In contrast, culturing of photosynthetic bacteria with Streptomyces in a fish extract medium proved a possible alternative for the coexistence of these two species. Thereafter, the inclusion of lactic acid bacteria to this medium with molasses and shaking the culture under dark conditions at 30oC proved to be the best condition for the coexistence of these three species. All other conditions such as culturing under light or in the absence of light, without shaking proved futile. Therefore, the study illustrated the possibility of culturing these three important species in preparing the solutions of EM.