
Welcome Address

Rev. Kazuo Wakugami

President, Sekai Kyusei Kyo, Bangkok, Thailand

Mr. Chairman, Professor Dr. Teruo Higa,
Dr. U. Umemura,
Mrs. Puengpit Dulyapach,
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed with great happiness that I on behalf of the organizing committee, welcome you all to this beautiful country - The Royal Kingdom of Thailand. Today is indeed a very happy day for me to welcome you to the Fifth International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology, at a time, when these activities are flourishing in this Kingdom.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a saying in the Orient that when one gets a shock - especially one that brings very bad news - a person becomes benumbed for a little while. Thereafter, that person, thinks a little, gathers courage and moves to greater heights.

This is true. On the 8th on this month, we heard that the China Agricultural University had decided to cancel this conference, to which a small dedicated staff had put all their energy. The reasons given were rather hazy. However, this was the official decision. It was a big shock and disappointment. But more were to follow - as problems come in heaps and not individually. On the 10th, the sponsors of this conference, the International Nature Farming Research Center of Atami, Japan decided to reschedule the conference in Thailand. I was told of it on the 11th. This was a greater shock. But, Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology has much to offer to the world, and we decided to accept the challenge.

Today, we are here - participants from 28 countries from all continents, with many important people to hold this conference, organized in Thailand in a matter of 1 2 days. It was a gigantic task, but I must take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the very small but dedicated staff here for making this event a possibility and a success. This makes me very happy. That I have the chance to welcome the delegates for the International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming for the second time -the first being in 1989 - when the First International Conference was held in Khon Kaen, Thailand.

I also express my deepest thanks to Mrs. Puengpit Dulyapach, Director of the Agricultural Administrative Development Division, who is here with us as the Guest of Honor. Amidst a very pressing schedule of official duties, she is here with us, as she too believes that Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology has a significant role to play in the agricultural and environmental management of this Kingdom. Therefore, her department is adopting the technology in all parts of the Kingdom.

We have with us the President of IFOAM and also the Vice President. The former is the Chairman of this session. Mr. Herve la Prairie is a dear friend of ours, as he understand our basic philosophy to produce healthy food and make this environment a better place. I thank you for being here with us today.

Many of you have come from all continents of the world changing the flight plans at the last moment. This is indeed an encouragement to us to know that you appreciate the philosophy and the technology of Kyusei Nature Farming and EM Technology.

The concept of Kyusei Nature Farming, founded by Mokichi Okada in 1935 was strengthened by the inclusion of EM Technology about 45 years later. The technology was introduced into Thailand in the early 1980fs and to the world from this Kingdom in 1989 with the First International Conference held in Khon Kaen. Since then it has progressed and we have trained over 15000 people. We have introduced it into the curricula of schools and many small and commercial farming organizations. It is being used in environmental management very successfully. Therefore, Thailand is a very good venue to hold this conference, as we have much to offer to the world through this method of farming and technology and I am glad that we were given the task of coming to the rescue to hold this conference here.

Therefore, I am very pleased to welcome you the second time, although organizing this conference in 12 days was indeed an impossible task.

Ladies and gentlemen, this conference organized in 12 days may have some shortfalls. We have tried our best to consider all aspects for your comfort and for a very successful and enlightening program. If there are small errors please do forgive us, and tell the staff if you need assistance. I apologize for any misgivings.

Dear friends, Thank you again for coming. Your presence here has given us strength to move forward in spite of problems. The problems are only small potholes on the road to success, and this makes us more confident and stronger.

I wish to all a very happy stay in Thailand, a very fruitful conference and very pleasant memories as well of this conference.