
Production of Plants of Coffea canephora cv. Conilon with Conventional Fertilizer (Chemical) and Bokashi plus Effective Microorganisms

P. R. R. Changas1, H. Tokeshi1 and N. H. Zonatti2

USP-ESALQ, 13418-900, Piracicaba, Brazil1 and
CPA-Consulting and Planning Co., 29900-000, Linhares, Brazil2

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The work was developed from March to December 1996, with cultivar conilon 181 (Coffea canephora) with 50 % reduction of light. The objective was to evaluate the effect of Bokashi plus EM (Effective Microorganisms) and chemical fertilizer on the vegetative propagation of Coffea canephora. The EM results showed plants more vigorous and resistant to Cercospora leaf spot. The statistical analysis, by Tukey test (p < 0.01) detected significant differences relating to number of leaves (47.0 and 40.4), pairs of leaves (4.70 and 4.04), plant height (39.33cm and 28.44cm) and incidence of Cercospora coffeicola (0.21 % and 5.94 % ) between treatments. Plants with Bokashi fertilizer plus EM weighed 18 g, while the others weighed an average of 13 g per plant.