
EM Technology Integrated into an Intensive Organic Garden - A Case Study Demonstrating NZ Methods EM-Bokashi, FPE and EM5 for Effect and Efficient Production

D. Johnston

39 State Highway 1, Otaki 6471, New Zealand


The study was conducted on a property 150m x 20m. The soil was sandy silt with little clay. The trial consisted of 16 beds each 20 m2 plus a 300 m2 plastic house. Expanded EM 3% - 5% was watered on weeds and residues at 3 ml/m2, immediately lied down and covered with black plastic for warmth (winter) and moisture retention (summer). Following transplanting further applications were watered down at 1-3 wk intervals. EM Bokashi was applied once after transplanting/crop emergence between rows at 1l/m2 for brassicas and 250 ml/m2 for lettuce and spinach. For tomatoes grown in plastic houses EM Bokashi was applied at 500 ml per metre row. After using EM for two years the soil is forming a good crumb structure. Earthworm populations have increased and the growing beds no longer need forking to loosen before preparation. Good results have been obtained from all crops with very little input other than EM and Bokashi.