
Opening Address

Lt. Genera1 Chawal Kanchanakool

The Director of Policy and Planning of Green Esarn Project of the Royal Thai Military, Thailand

Mr. Governor

Mr. President of Khon Kaen University

Mr. President of Sekai Kyusei Kyo Kyokai of Japan

Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed my great pleasure to have the opportunity to address this, distinguished gathering today.

First of all, I wish to extend a cordial welcome to all participants, particularly to the foreign delegates who have come a long way to join this First International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming. It is also a pleasure to express my hearty appreciation to the Sekai Kyo Kyokai of Japan, the Faculty of Agriculture of Khon Kaen University, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, and the Green Esam Project of the Royal Thai Military, Thailand for making this important event possible.

We are well aware that modern agriculture is striving to produce sufficient food to meet the demand of the worldfs population which is dramatically increasing. In meeting this demand, there is a growing concern that much of the food produced may not be safe or of sufficient quality for the consumer. This concern is due to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in conventional production agriculture. Residues from these chemicals persist in both foods and the environment, and thus present a hazard to human and animal health. At the same time, these residues can interrupt natural processes and ecosystems that can result in the degradation of soil quality and the loss of soil productivity.

I am delighted to hear that the specific goal of the Kyusei Nature Farming movement for the year 2100 is to establish an agricultural system, both regionally and worldwide, that utilizes natural processes to ensure the production of sufficient, high quality food; conserves energy; lowers production costs; enhances health and safety; protects the environment; conserves natural resources; revitalizes agricultural practices in the rural areas; and improves the overall quality of life. This is a highly appropriate philosophy and should be the ultimate goal of both developed and developing countries so that sufficient, wholesome food is produced for an expanding world population while conserving and protecting the environment and natural resource base.

Therefore, the assistance provided by the Sekai Kyusei Kyo Kyokai of Japan through the Faculty of Agriculture of Khon Kaen University for establishing cooperative research on the Kyusei Nature Farming system is gratefully accepted. It is an honor and distinct privilege to offer my sincere best wishes to all participants of this conference for a productive and successful program.

Ladies and gentlemen, now the time has come for a very auspicious moment. It is a great privilege for me to officially declare the First International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming open and wish that all of you have the most successful event ever.