
Prospects of Nature Farming for Rice Production in Indonesia

M.S. Wigenasantana and T. Waluyo

National University, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Increased rice production is urgently needed in Indonesia to supply the food demands of an ever increasing population. Because of the growing shortage of good agricultural land, intensifying rice production on current farm land is the primary alternative. However, intensification without conservation of natural resources and protection of the ecosystem will lead to the degradation of the natural resource base and create problems in the production process that will likely require greater energy inputs.

Natural based cropping systems are the best agricultural alternative for avoiding the rapid degradation of natural resources, and for maintaining the stability, productivity, and long-term sustainability of our farming systems. An understanding of the complex interactions between effective natural resources and technological input is a vital prerequisite for promotion of rice production. Therefore, research on natural resources as an integral part of the process of agricultural intensification should be planned and implemented.