
Microbial Inoculants for Controlled Composting of Organic Materials

U. Lubke

Controlled Microbial Composting Group, Peuerbach, Austria

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Controlled microbial composting (CMC) can facilitate effective humus management. We have used microbial inoculants successfully in composting various organic wastes and residues now for about 15 years. One of our goals has been to restore the fertility of degraded soils. To achieve that goal, it was necessary to create a composting renaissance. We found that by using the CMC-inoculant and with proper control of the composting process technology, it is possible to produce a high quality compost in a short period of time. Microbial inoculants for composting are effective only under proper conditions. Thus, a basic understanding of the microbiological processes involved during composting is essential to ensure those conditions. The raw organic materials to be composted must have an acceptable C:N ratio, available carbon and nitrogen, and moisture content to support microbiological activities.
After the organic materials are mixed, they are inoculated, usually on the second day. The compost turner is equipped with an inoculation system, by which the CMC-starter is misted through nozzles into the moving materials during blending. As the microbiological population and activities increase, the carbon dioxide, temperature, and moisture levels of the composting biomass are monitored daily. Predominantly aerobic conditions are maintained by regular turning of the windrows. Changes in the nitrogen cycle and the sulfur cycle are also monitored to control the detoxification process and ensure nutrient stabilization.
Within 6 to 8 weeks, the raw organic materials are transformed into a friable and stable humus-like product. Mature CMC-compost has a pathogen-suppressing effect on soils and plants through its production of natural antibiotics, and can help to restore the natural cycles and proper nutrient balances in soils. Excessive chemical fertilizer usage and associated pollution of groundwater can be avoided by using CMC-compost. Better food quality for humans and animals, as well as environmental protection are additional positive benefits of CMC-compost.