
The Economic Effect of Nature Farming by EM

B. N. Lee1, C. K. Kang1 and K. H. Lee2

Rural Development Administration Republic of Korea1 and
Korin Korea Co. Ltd., Republic of Korea2

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Along with the increasing concern among farmers and the general public about the adverse effect of conventional farming, questions have been increasingly raised in recent years about the long-term sustainability of the current agricultural system that relies on agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Effective Micro-organisms (EM), as a potentially valuable technology that pursues more ecologically oriented agriculture than conventional farming, recently has garnered considerable attention from agricultural sectors in Korea. This paper is concerned primarily with the conditions and practices of sustainable agriculture and the economic impact of EM organic farming in Korea. Crops considered are rice, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, melon, red pepper and pear. The results of the analysis indicate the following: among all crops considered. (1) Rice and tomato produced higher crop yields with EM than conventional farming; (2) rice, tomato and red pepper required higher production costs with EM than the conventional farming; and (3) among seven crops, five resulted in much higher incomes with EM compared with conventional farming.