
Suppression of Dioxin Generation in the Garbage Incinerator Using EM (Effective Microorganisms), EM-Z and EM-Z Ceramics Powder

M. Miyajima, N. Nagano and T. Higa

University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

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Garbage incinerators pollute the atmosphere through the generation of ash and dioxin. The latter contributes to the degeneration of the atmosphere. Current technologies to mitigate this environmental problem are very expensive. Thus studies were initiated to evaluate the efficacy of EM formulations in overcoming the pollution problems of incinerators.
Activated EM, when applied to the cooling chamber reduced dioxin contents of ash. Fortification of activated EM with EMz, and EMz ceramics powder enhanced the efficacy of reducing dioxin, thus removing the requirement further treatment.
The process of dioxin mitigation by EM products was examined. The results illustrate that EM products reduces the production of carbon monoxide, while promoting complete combustion. The studies revealed that EM reduced dioxin pollution to levels lower than that required in Japan. This clearly presented the benefits of using EM products for controlling dioxin pollution, using available facilities at very low cost and high efficiency.