
Sustainable agriculture - Its Role in Food Security

J. Nosberger

Institute of Plant Sciences, ETHZ, 8092, Switzerland

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The challenge of agriculture continues to be one of balancing food security demands with population growth, and tremendous pressure on natural resources. Global food production must increase by 2 percent or more per year. The prevailing conditions for food security efforts are constantly changing. Socio-economic factors are prioritised, the biophysical factors and the ongoing changes in the natural resources are not adequately considered. We must commit to the goal of no net increase in cropped area, and expect a decline in natural fertility of agricultural soils. Water will become a severely limiting growth factor; the groundwater depletion could be a major threat to food security. Due to climate change, the crop plants will probably experience more environmental stress. Low rates of yield gain are evident in different countries and must raise concern. The developing world is facing an unprecedented change too much more animal protein based human diets.
The role of Agriculture in providing food security is discussed in the context of modern farming.