
Breeding of Crop Cultivars Suitable for Nature Farming

S. Nakano

International Nature Farming Research Center, Hata 5632, Nagano, 390-1401, Japan


In case of cultivation with nature farming, the selection of cultivars is important to improvements of soil properties and cultivation environment. For nature farming, cultivars are required having abilities to adapt severe natural conditions because nature farmers do not depend on chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Therefore, we are chiefly advancing the breeding of vegetable varieties suitable for nature farming in the breeding field where non-cultivation and cultivation with weed and green manure are adopted in International Nature Farming Research Center Agricultural Experiment Station.
As a result we have advanced the breeding. We are distributing 11 kinds of vegetable varieties to farmers practicing nature farming and also organic farming, including pumpkins, cucumbers and tomatoes. However, the environment where the crops grow differs in climate and cultivation methods. Our seeds do not necessarily demonstrate vigour in all fields. We suggest that farmers produce their seeds for themselves according to their conditions.