
Improvement of Farm Production Using EM : A Practical Experience

T. Vincent

Agricultural Primary Producer, RMB 7132 Horsham, 3401 Victoria, Australia


The farm used has a poor record of artificial fertilization over a long period of time. Any cropping that was done, was to rejuvenate pasture for sheep. When wool prices dropped so dramatically, the necessity arose to find a way to become viable, or lose the farm without chemicals and was pleased to be introduced to Dr. Tony Ohishi, and his organic method of farming, using Effective Micro-Organisms. Over the past 8-10 years, some paddocks received gypsum and rock minerals but there was no evident benefit. Since 1995 have just maintained green crop manuring, combining spraying with Activated Effective Micro-Organisms. This was done before sowing, also when crops are 6 inches high, and again after harvest to break down straw after mulching. The paddocks that have had E.M.a. the longest have improved out of sight. There are worms in abundance, the soil structure has greatly improved, the earth smells sweet, and water retention is better. Moreover, with a gradual expansion of production area from 80 hectares in 1995 to almost 400 Ha in 2001 crops too were diversified from oats at the beginning to wheat, broad beans, lupins, safflower and vetch and oaten hay for silage. The audit by the Biological Farmers of Australia is being awaited.